There are a lot of minor elements that you need to consider when you are sending an email, and the success of your email might be determined by the choices you make regarding those aspects. It is tough to fix mistakes that are made in emails, and doing so can be expensive or detrimental to your image.
Because of this, we have developed a step-by-step checklist that includes the components that you need to take into consideration before sending an email to your list. One way to think of it is as a quality control check for the marketing emails you send out.
Now, let’s begin at the very top.
1. Make sure the subject line is correct
When someone reads your email, the first thing they will notice is the subject line. Additionally, it is the one thing that people will remember when they are searching their inbox for your email that they have stored in a folder somewhere for later use. It takes practice to write a subject line that is effective. A fortunate circumstance is that you may already be sending emails throughout the day, which means that you will have plenty of opportunity to practise composing subject lines.
Think about include a call to action in the subject line of your email. Not only will it be easier to remember, but it will also make it very clear to the person who is reading your email what it is that you require from them or what the purpose of your email is. make in mind that you should make it brief so that it does not be cut off.
Some examples of successful calls to action that might be included in your subject line include the following:
- Take a look at this article that I discovered
- Please give me a call whenever you have a moment to spare
- To participate in the office cookie swap!
2. Begin and end with a kind greeting
I take it that you begin each of your emails with a greeting? It seems that you are not one of those individuals that immediately begins reading your email without first greeting you, is that correct? Are you one of those individuals that composes emails in this manner?
“Please give me a call as soon as possible, rick”
Do not behave in such manner. Don’t behave in the same way as Rick.
As soon as the reader opens your email, the greeting that you use will determine how they feel about the content that you are sending them. The lack of a greeting at the beginning of a conversation is quite impolite, particularly if you are the more senior colleague.
A kind greeting is beneficial to you…
- Ensure that you make a fantastic initial impression
- The tone of the discourse should be established (should it be official or informal?). Which is it: serious or humorous? Are you looking for a short check-in or an essential exchange?
- Establish a personal relationship
3. Take attention while addressing the name of the receiver
There is no one who enjoys being called the incorrect name. In the same vein, experiencing their name spelt wrongly or simply with the erroneous capitalization is also a disturbing experience. On top of that, you should never call somebody by a nickname without first asking them!
A mistake that you make with someone’s name may be an honest mistake on your side; yet, it has the potential to make the receiver feel insignificant and lead them to emotionally withdraw from you via the experience. This particular error is one that should be avoided at all costs, among all the potential typos.
Always make sure that the name of the receiver is checked three times…
- For example, Natalie is spelt not Nathalie, while Sarah is spelt Sara. It is spelt the way the individual spells it
- It is written with the appropriate capitalization (for example, Sarah is written as sarah, and DeShawn is written as Deshawn)
- Including any accent marks that the individual employs for their own name (for example, José versus Jose) is included in this
- The initial name and the last name of a person are not being confused with one another (for example, David Johns and John Davids)
Last but not least, when you are sending marketing or sales emails to a huge list of individuals, you should make sure that you either a) have a name for each and every person on the list, or b) have a backup plan in case there is absolutely no name accessible. “Hello there” is a thousand times more appropriate than “Hello [FIRST_NAME].”
4. Make sure that your email is as brief as possible, but don’t forget any essential facts
You should provide sufficient information without being overly wordy; this is your goal. It is a waste of your time to write material that is not required, and it is quite unlikely that it would be read anyhow.
Be sure to…
- Keep your emails succinct and to the point
- Get to the point as quickly as possible
- Break up lengthy paragraphs and make use of bulleted lists to make the content more scannable
- Refrain from using words that are not essential, such as “just” (as in “I just wanted to…”)
Be succinct, yet keep your clarity. It is possible that you may wind up having to send many emails in response to the recipient’s requests for further information if you go into too much detail.
5. Give your grammar and spelling a proofread
Even though people make their living as a writer, they still make sure to verify the spelling of every email that they send. In spite of this, there are times when the other person is made aware of a mistake. It doesn’t matter how many times you go back and read what you’ve written; you will still make errors in grammar and spelling from time to time.
In any event, typos are inevitable, and nothing should be done about them. What you may not realise is that your friends and coworkers are often more tolerant of blunders than you may assume.
On the other hand, you will want to exercise additional caution whenever you are writing an email to a client or customer. The reader would get an unfavourable opinion of the sender if the sender makes grammatical and spelling errors in emails that are sent to individuals that the sender does not know personally.
In closing
We understand that if you are not a proficient writer or if you are not fluent in the language that you are using to compose your email, this may come off as frightening to you. If this is the case, it may be beneficial to have another person, such as a friend or coworker, examine your email before you send it out to potential recipients. When in doubt, strive to write in the same manner that you talk and be true to who you are. Listen to your words out loud and get a sense of how they sound before you hit the “send” button. Once you get a business email hosting, you must follow the afore mentioned pointers since it will give your organization a professional look and send across the right image of your company. In case you have not understood anything in this article, please share your comments in the feedback section below.